Building furniture was never something we planned on doing, but what are plans for anyways! Nicole and I had been renovating our 1920's farmhouse for over a year before we finally got to our dining room. To complete the room, I surprised Nicole by building our very first farmhouse style table. After encouragement from friends and family we decided to try and start selling some of our products.
After two of our best friends announced that they were going to get married we jokingly tossed out the idea of building the tables for their wedding reception. What started as a joke soon became a reality as we began drawing out the plans to make a beautiful set of tables, chairs and benches that would serve as unique centerpieces for our friends special day. A few months later our dream came true as we shared a meal at our friends wedding reception around one of our farmhouse tables.
Whether it be a table for your home or a special event, our hope is that our tables will bring your friends and family together for many memorable experiences.
Peter recieved his Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering from NC State University in 2016. He is currently working as an Engineer at a medical device startup, and spends his spare time working on our wedding venue.
Nicole is a local elementary school teacher and a borderline cat lady! When she isn't cleaning up after Peter she is responsible for putting the finishing touch on all of our pieces and making sure they look absolutely beautiful!